A Video Collaboration Platform Built to Empower Learners.
Reimagining videoconferencing and virtual learning—with the joy, connections, and fluidity of real life.
Reimagining videoconferencing and virtual learning—with the joy, connections, and fluidity of real life.
Technology is woven into every part of our lives, yet we’ve never felt more disconnected. At InSpace, we’re putting community, collaboration, and relationships at the center of online learning. Our thriving virtual campuses give students control over their learning experiences, so they can move freely around their online environment and connect with others, just like in real life. We give you complete control over your personal data, too.
InSpace helps students develop and cultivate the essential skills they’ll need in an AI-powered future: critical thinking, problem-solving, flexibility, and collaboration.
With InSpace, schools can scale powerful systems of care for students while removing time-consuming processes and logistics for faculty and staff.
InSpace makes students’ lives easier by allowing them to get help when they need it. We’ve removed scheduling barriers and given students flexibility and real-time collaboration options. We’re connecting them with their school community and ensuring they feel a part of it. We’re bringing people together purposefully, productively, and joyfully, which is how we all want to live our lives. It’s also the way we learn the best.
Join the thousands of people across the country who love using InSpace.
InSpace is a technology that’s not only simple to use, but it’s really exciting for students to use. And it’s a great way to connect with the student population even when we can’t have them on campus for all the parts of the student experience.
In other platforms, jumping from breakout room to breakout room is awful. And there’s no way of knowing what’s happening if I’m not in the room. With InSpace, I can tell if there’s conversation going on. And I can jump in and out really easily.
InSpace mimics the feel of the classroom by enabling me to easily join student conversations and make myself present for questions. My students and I are enjoying experimenting with this new learning environment.
InSpace is the only platform I’ve used that makes me feel like I’m actually there, in the room with my students – it’s the next best thing to being together in the physical world.
I like the fact that the features of InSpace are designed to represent the coziness of the classroom environment especially the ease of mobility to facilitate interactions.
I’ll simply say InSpace overcomes some of the frustration I’ve had with creating breakout sessions for my online classes via Zoom and Teams.
InSpace provides a natural environment that is similar to an in-person classroom, and is conducive to engaging students. In comparison to other online technologies that I’ve used, students seem to be more comfortable interacting during class, and it is also easier to manage the teaching/learning experience.
InSpace platform provides the type of virtual meeting space we so desperately need to create the ‘feel’ and utility of a live classroom. When it comes to innovations in technology, timing is critical. This is the right technology at the right time and will have lasting repercussions long after the pandemic subsides.
InSpace offers transformative online learning experiences not only for individual teachers and classes, but also for whole institutions or learning communities looking for large-scale virtual communication solutions.